
Articles are picked by Admins to become Featured Articles, but users are now able to vote one of the Featured Articles to become the Most Popular Featured Article. Stubs cannot become a Featured Article, and the article must follow our Format.

Vote on a Article[]

You can vote a Featured Article to become the Most Popular Featured Article, by editing this page, and writing down the Article you voted on. Make sure that the Name of the article has three equal signs to the left and right of the article, and the article is a link.

The word: "For" should be two spaces below the Name of the Article. Make sure, that the name of the Article is a link. Then put your user name under the word "For", with a * to the left of your user name.

Voting For an already voted Featured Article[]

To vote for an Article that's already voted on, put your username and * one space under the user who already voted on the article.

Here's an example of what Featuring and voting on articles look like:

[[Example Link]][]


  • [[User:Example User]]
  • [[User:Example User]]

Voted Featured Articles[]





Harry Potter[]

This article is not a featured article, and, therefore, cannot become the most popular FEATURED Article.
